Nurture your Nervous System: Resource, Resource, Resource

nurture nervous system resource

An effective perspective when healing with Somatic Experiencing

I think one of the most helpful things I came across when I was deep in the midst of processing my own trauma was someone's suggestion to "resource, resource, resource." It is essential to nurture your nervous system in the midst of healing.

You can always resource, rather than going into the Activation. Support the body with whatever nurtures any sense of regulation/ease/comfort/grounding. This is what can allow the system to gradually harness that felt sense of safety and therefore regulate itself/mobilize the trauma.

And what can nurture the body’s regulation? Anything that is pleasing or neutral to the five senses. And if it can involve social engagement, even better! Some examples: Petting your dog, being in nature, walks around your neighborhood, light exercise, a soft blanket, the smell of tea, lighting a candle, etc. I made a whole list that I taped to my wall. Whenever I was activated, I would pick a nurturing activity from this list.

Resource, resource, resource.

This was the light bulb moment that showed me the goal of "getting out of your own way" and just nurturing the body's regulation, and trusting that it will process what it needs to on its own time - instead of digging for the trauma to try and release it (which is what got me to teeter on the edge of psychosis in the first place).

A lot of times Somatic work can feel like you're doing nothing, but isn't that where we want to get to: Feeling safe even when doing nothing? Sometimes I have to remind my clients this. And that's okay, I've needed that reminder as well. I think our society is used to modalities that involve a mission-oriented practice where we dig for things. Isn't Nothing where you want to be okay in? Instead of having a terrified lizard brain constantly running from a threat while you're just trying to relax on the couch?

Resource, resource, resource, my friends. Nurture yourself. Nurture your nervous system.


Navigating Trauma: The Mind is a Meaning-Making Machine


When Processing Trauma, there is likely Activation under your Freeze