The Tools to Arrive

Somatic Experiencing

Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a therapeutic approach developed by Dr. Peter Levine designed to resolve trauma and stress-related disorders by focusing on the body's physiological response. SE emphasizes the role of the autonomic nervous system, which regulates involuntary bodily functions that often become dysregulated due to trauma. While the body is doing what it knows how to in order to keep us safe, when these defensive symptoms don’t turn off, we continue to suffer as if the traumatic event is continuing to happen in real-time. It is the role of SE to take a gentle approach in helping us regulate the nervous system and liberate ourselves from these symptoms in order to feel peace.

Somatic EMDR

Somatic Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (Somatic EMDR) is a therapeutic approach that integrates the principles of EMDR with Somatic Experiencing techniques. Traditional EMDR involves bilateral stimulation, such as eye movements, to help process traumatic memories. By adding somatic elements, this method enhances the mind-body connection, addressing both the psychological and physiological aspects of trauma. This approach can help clients to release stored traumatic energy and restore balance to the nervous system.

Psychedelic Trauma Recovery & Integration

Traumatic psychedelic experiences can occur when individuals face distressing memories, emotions, perceptions, or sensations during a psychedelic journey that are simply too much for the nervous system to process in real-time. These experiences can leave someone in a continuous state of survival and can lead to various PTSD-like symptoms of dissociation, terror, existential dread, derealization, anxiety, and more.

Somatic techniques can be highly effective in regulating the nervous system and processing these traumatic psychedelic experiences in order to come back to center and feel safe in our minds and bodies.

Dream Work

Dream Work is a therapeutic process that involves exploring and interpreting the content of dreams to gain insights into one's unconscious mind. This practice views dreams as meaningful messages from the unconscious, revealing hidden emotions, desires, and unresolved conflicts.

Dream work can also aid in resolving inner conflicts and integrating life experiences by bringing unconscious material to conscious awareness. We can even weave Somatic Work into Dream Work by pendulating between the felt senses that arise as dreams are analyzed. Ultimately, dream work can enrich one's life, promoting overall well-being and self-discovery.

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